Pacific Northwest Regional Modernism: Rugged. Refined. Beautiful.

The roots of Modernism in the Pacific Northwest run deep, reflecting the rugged beauty of our region’s mountain, ocean, river and desert landscapes, and bringing the outdoors in through the utilization of natural materials such as local wood and stone.
Since 1977, Restore Oregon has served as Oregon’s only statewide non-profit advocating to preserve and protect Oregon’s architectural and cultural heritage. We are proud of our state’s contribution to Pacific Northwest Regionalism, and to the Modernism movement at large. At Restore Oregon, we work tirelessly to ensure that these treasures are protected and will remain in place to inspire generations to come.
Restore Oregon Modernism: Raising Awareness, Raising Funds
We created Restore Oregon Modernism to raise awareness of Oregon's contribution to Pacific Northwest Modernism specifically, and Mid Century Modernism at large, but also to serve as a fundraiser to support our preservation and educational programming and help us continue to fulfill our mission to empower Oregonians to reimagine and transform their communities through the preservation and reuse of historic and cultural places. Thank you for joining us!
For 2024, Restore Oregon has curated a full roster of unique,
immersive experiences to enjoy throughout the year.
Modernism Lecture
Sacred Spaces of Pietro Belluschi - Thursday, May 9: Join Restore Oregon at Central Lutheran Church in Irvington for an informative lecture about Pietro Belluschi’s legacy as a designer of sacred spaces and his collaborations with artists such as Frederic Littman and Leroy Setziol. Details coming soon! Ticket cost: $25.
Sacred Spaces of Pietro Belluschi Tour - Saturday, May 11
In honor of the 125th anniversary of architect Pietro Belluschi’s birth, Restore Oregon invites you to tour four Portland-area Belluschi-designed churches, plus view metalwork and carvings by artists Frederic Littman and Leroy Setziol. Details coming soon! Ticket cost: $55 single/$100 couple.
The Menefee House: A Pietro Belluschi-Designed Residence
Join us in Oregon Wine Country for wine-tasting and a rare opportunity to tour one of Pietro Belluschi’s favorite residential projects. Open to tour for the first time, the Menefee House in Yamhill, Oregon was dubbed “the most progressive house in the United States” back in 1948, and maintains many of its original features today.
Architect Spotlight Tour
“Oh My Storrs!” A Four Home Tour
This year, we are thrilled to announce an exclusive, one-time-only opportunity to tour four adjacent Storrs residences, never before open to the public. This exciting four-house jaunt will feature a complimentary glass of wine and hors d’oeuvre, and stunning views of the Southwest Portland hills. All proceeds will fund Restore Oregon’s preservation work statewide. *Included with the ATOMIC Modernist Society Membership
Happy Birthday, Pietro!
Events in celebration of the 125th birthday (August 18) of architect Pietro Belluschi are planned throughout 2024 in partnership with Anthony and Marti Belluschi. More details coming soon…
For more information, please email, visit or submit a question here.
Restore Oregon’s Modernist Society
Join Restore Oregon’s Modernist Society
Only 100 Memberships Available!
Join Now to Reserve Your Tickets to the 2024 Modernism Events Listed Above.
Members gain guaranteed access to a curated collection of Modernism events, and so much more.
Our Restore Oregon Modernism Sponsors
Sponsor Restore Oregon Modernism
One of Portland’s most anticipated design and architecture events of the year has grown to a year-round event, called Restore Oregon Modernism.
Sponsorships are available that cover all events and support our work to save historic places across the state.