50 Years Ago Oregon Was a Preservation Innovator.
We Believe It Can Be Again.
To position Oregon at the forefront of preservation again, Restore Oregon will continue efforts to educate the public and our elected officials, provide useful preservation tools, and advocate for innovative preservation policies and incentives that are compatible with our state’s climate goals, and supports housing creation, community preservation, and equitable outcomes.
Creating a Vibrant, More Equitable Oregon
Restore Oregon recognizes that the time is now to boldly move beyond traditional approaches to historic preservation to create an inclusive, equitable, and diverse preservation community in Oregon. Our Board of Directors and staff have worked together over the past year to create a new, five-year Strategic Framework. With that framework now in place, we have started to implement this bold, new vision for Oregon.
Restore Oregon's Five-Year Strategic Framework Driven by Four Components:

Updated Mission and Vision Statements

Issue-Based Priorities: Sustainability, Housing Generation, and Equity

Position Statements to Support Priorities

Measurable Impact Goals
1: Our Revised Mission and Vision Statements
2: Our Vision through a Strategic Issued-Based Lens
As part of our strategic framework, Restore Oregon’s staff and board revised on our mission and vision statements:

The new strategic framework includes three issue-based priorities: Sustainability/Climate Change, Mitigation Housing Generation, and Social and Cultural Equity

Through these lenses, Restore Oregon will fulfill our strategic vision over the next five years. In some cases, we will continue to strengthen and improve the work already underway. In others, it will guide changes, such as creating new, innovative historic preservation programs.
3: Core Position Statements to Guide Our Work
4: Restore Oregon’s Four Impact Goals
Restore Oregon’s Five-Year Roap Map to Reimagine Preservation in Oregon
From how we develop our preservation programs and advocacy agenda to how we brand and run our organization, Restore Oregon’s new strategic framework will guide our staff and board through our annual implementation plans that meet the needs of all Oregonians. The new strategic framework includes impact goals to help us stay on course, guide project planning and budgets, and allow Restore Oregon to remain adaptive and responsive to community issues state-wide.

We are just getting started. We hope you will join us on this journey!
Restore Oregon has already started this year by planning and restructuring its approach to preservation and reuse to ensure a long-term impact in Oregon. We hope that by year’s end, we will have broadened the role of historic preservation statewide by helping Oregonians understand that Preservation is Reuse and Reuse is Preservation!
Please consider supporting this crucial work by donating to Restore Oregon.
Restore Oregon's strategic planning process and the development of our new Strategic Framework was made possible by grants from The Roundhouse Foundation, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and the Oregon Cultural Trust.