Our Organization
Founded in 1977, Restore Oregon works on the front lines and behind the scenes to empower Oregonians to reimagine and transform their communities through the preservation and reuse of historic and cultural places.
We believe in a vibrant and equitable Oregon where historic preservation and reuse are crucial to solving the problems we face locally, statewide, and globally. As a statewide, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Restore Oregon represents thousands of homeowners and renters, community activists, environmentalists, preservation-minded businesses, and supporters and users of historic places across Oregon. We advocate for effective preservation policies and incentives, deliver preservation-focused education programs, and directly intervene to save endangered places.
Preservation is Important to Us
Our Mission
Restore Oregon’s mission is to preserve, reuse and pass forward the places and spaces that reflect Oregon’s diverse cultural heritage and make our communities inclusive, vibrant, liveable and sustainable.
Our Vision
Engage and empower a new generation of preservationists from diverse backgrounds. Increase representation of lesser-known histories through outreach to underserved communities. Expand Oregon’s concept of preservation to include cultural resources such as historic landscapes, legacy businesses and heritage events
Our Values
Our core values include:
Inclusivity: embrace the full spectrum of cultural and ethnic diversity in Oregon’s communities, in our work, and in our organization
Leadership – be known as the thought leader on historic preservation in Oregon
Stewardship – lower barriers to preservation and enable all Oregonians to steward the historic spaces and places that matter most to them
Sustainability – champion the role of preservation and reuse in fighting climate change, pollution and the squandering of renewable resources
Livability – advance preservation in the context of livable, healthy, vibrant, equitable, place-based communities

Our Team
We are a small, but mighty team.

Our Board
Our board consists of experts in their field--from preservation to finance our leadership rocks.
Learn more about what we do.
At Restore Oregon, we educate, advocate, and celebrate our region's historic spaces and places. We work with people like you to save the places that tell Oregon’s whole story. Learn more about our efforts across the state.